Saturday, March 13, 2010

Slow and Ready is the Pace

Been a loooong morning. Flights have been delayed due to weather which postponed our morning by nearly 4 hours. After eating breakfast (provided by Delta), we boarded our flight to ATL. From there, we had to make our connecting flight in less than 10 minutes! So we had a group of 24 people running through Atlanta's airport to make the flight to JFK in New York (pictures will come soon!) And guess what? We all made it!

After that adventure, we are now sitting on the plane in Atlanta, catching our breath and grateful to be on our way. Kind of. We have a 2 hour wait before we leave here. Sigh.

However, in an ironic/weird/amazing turn of events, there is a mechanic on our JFK flight who has supplies that have to get to Ghana. Because of him, we are the top priority to get into New York and to Ghana!

Thank you to everyone who has been sending positive thoughts our way. Including our friends on the China blog. :)

Barring the unforseen (which is kind of expected at this point), we should be in Ghana as planned. As of now, we are safe, sound, and ready to move on to the next stop. We will send an update of our journey when we arrive in Ghana. To New York and beyond!!!

Ready to fly,
Ghana 2010

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